R9 RX connection with Rsat900NG

  • Alfonso
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R9 RX connection with Rsat900NG wurde erstellt von Alfonso

Posted 23 Juli 2023 12:24 #1
I have EX R9 and I try to connect with Rsat900NG. I use DC16 II with the 900 license paid.
I binded both to the TX Ok and show 2.4Ghz and 900Mhz are working 9/9.
I plug Sat in R9 to EX2 in Rsat900NG.
When I disabled emision except 900, alarm is activated and asked to activate backup 900.
R9 Sat1 only can be set as PPM or Default (Off), not more option.
EX2 in Rsat900NG have Ex-BUS, Serial UDI 12ch, Serial UDI 16ch and S.BUS.
I updated today R9 and Rsat900NG to the last available update.
My understanding is that I need to have the same PPM or EX-BUS in R9 Sat and Rsat900NG EX2, but not way.
Any advice to made It work?
von Alfonso

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PW antwortete auf R9 RX connection with Rsat900NG

Posted 23 Juli 2023 12:56 #2
Hi Alfonso,

look here from Hacker page


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Alfonso antwortete auf R9 RX connection with Rsat900NG

Posted 23 Juli 2023 17:37 #3

Hi Alfonso,

look here from Hacker page



Thanks, but I have R9 and RSat900NG, is not the same than RSat900 and REX14 and can,t be set E2 as PPM or RX9 SAT as ExBus.
von Alfonso

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cpt_volker antwortete auf R9 RX connection with Rsat900NG

Posted 23 Juli 2023 23:25 #4
Hi Alfonso.

I‘m not sure that this will work with the R9. The only way to connect the R9 with the 900NG is via PPM in/out (SAT onto PPM-in on R9 and PPM-out on E1/2 on 900NG). I think, what is necessary to tell the transmitter to switch to 900, is the information about the lost 2.4. I‘m not sure, whether this fits with a PPM-connection only between the two receivers. I think, EX-Bus might be necessary?!

von cpt_volker

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Alfonso antwortete auf R9 RX connection with Rsat900NG

Posted 23 Juli 2023 23:58 #5

Hi Alfonso.

I‘m not sure that this will work with the R9. The only way to connect the R9 with the 900NG is via PPM in/out (SAT onto PPM-in on R9 and PPM-out on E1/2 on 900NG). I think, what is necessary to tell the transmitter to switch to 900, is the information about the lost 2.4. I‘m not sure, whether this fits with a PPM-connection only between the two receivers. I think, EX-Bus might be necessary?!

Thanks for tour reply, Volker.
The problem is R9 SAT only can be set as PPM and RSat900NG E1, E2 or E3 not posible to set PPM, as I says in my initial question.
von Alfonso

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cpt_volker antwortete auf R9 RX connection with Rsat900NG

Posted 24 Juli 2023 09:01 #6
Ok. Just tried it out. You‘re right. So the only chance ist to change the main receiver into a REX.

von cpt_volker

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