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DIY GPS - What features? 06 Apr 2017 21:19 #1

  • TeroS
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What features would you like to see in a DIY GPS-sensor?

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DIY GPS - What features? 06 Apr 2017 21:45 #2

  • Olli 80
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Helix Antenne für Rundumempfang
Präzise 3D Geschwindigkeit
Zurückgelegte Strecke
Equipment: DC-24, MZ-24 Pro, MX-10, DX7
PB Royal SRS, PB Competion SRS , IGyro SRS
Hangar: Maule mit AXI 5360/18, Maule mit Mößle 4:1 Getriebe und Pyro 800-40L, KA 8 B, Orion V 3, Heim 3D und ein wenig Schaum

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DIY GPS - What features? 07 Apr 2017 06:55 #3

  • TeroS
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Let's see:

Helix Antenne für Rundumempfang <- No, will not work. The price for one helix antenna is 1.5 times than the whole GPS-module.
Präzise 3D Geschwindigkeit <- This AND ground speed should be possible
Höhenmessung <- Shold be ok, needs to be relative.
Entfernung <- From what? Start point? Should be possible
Zurückgelegte Strecke <- This might be hard but will try
Geokoordinaten <- Of course.

Let's remember few things:
Arduino has little memory, we need to keep it simple. Also we are not making a "full competitor" for commercial solutions like Jetimodel MGPS or Powerbox GPS II. We are doing simple, affordable and easy to do DIY-solution. The helix antenna will raise the price of components too close the commercial solutions. There is nothing stopping for you to use it of course but in the reference-model it will not come.

Things I will try to add is direction as compass heading and time in local timeone. (Time in your own timezone is actually not easy it seems, if even possible in arduino pro mini)

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DIY GPS - What features? 07 Apr 2017 07:13 #4

  • Olli 80
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Thanks you for replay

Entfernung <- From what? Start point? Should be possible

Yes from start point
Equipment: DC-24, MZ-24 Pro, MX-10, DX7
PB Royal SRS, PB Competion SRS , IGyro SRS
Hangar: Maule mit AXI 5360/18, Maule mit Mößle 4:1 Getriebe und Pyro 800-40L, KA 8 B, Orion V 3, Heim 3D und ein wenig Schaum

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DIY GPS - What features? 07 Apr 2017 16:23 #5

  • Ecstacy
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What features would you like to see in a DIY GPS-sensor?

Interessting, I just started to build my own Jeti GPS sensor based on the GY-NEO6MV2 GPS module and Arduino Pro Mini 3,3V to keep it simple and cheap. ;) I will use the available NMEA-0183 standard protocol and the u-center GNSS evaluation software for Windows as evaluation and visualization tool.
Gruß, Ecstacy
"Positiv denken - negativ fliegen!"
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Olli 80

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DIY GPS - What features? 07 Apr 2017 17:12 #6

  • onki
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Hi Tero,

I personally dream of a compact combi-sensor involving GPS, Power (U,I,Cap,rpm - could shunt or ACSxxx based) as well as a medium preformance Vario in one sensor block.
One reason is space the other one is that I am mostly using R-Receivers and I hate using the Expander stuff).

Best regards
Gruß aus dem Nordschwarzwald
Rainer aka Onki
gepostet unter Verwendung von 100% recycelter Elektronen.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: MichaFranz

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