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Heli Telemetry Display - Full Screen app for electric helis 15 Aug 2021 21:57 #1

  • nickthenorse
  • nickthenorses Avatar Autor
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So I've spent a portion of the pandemic lock down writing a full screen lua telemetry display app for use with my Brain2 powered electric helicopters. Our local flying field has been closed due to corona and so I thought I would try my hand at learning some lua with my DS-12. I was a total lua newb before I started.

With inspiration from TeroS (www.rc-thoughts.com/who/), Thorn (www.thorn-klaus-jeti.de/de.html), and Dit71 (github.com/ribid1/dbdis), I thought I would try my hand at a similar app but one that was perfectly suited to my needs/taste.

Mine is not quite as fancy as Thorn and Dit71s (they can customize the screen layout and turn on/off display areas), as my layout is hard coded.

If there is anything you would like to change then now is the time to copy my code, try to learn some lua, and customize the display to your own liking. I don't plan on adding any new features or changing the layout, but feel free to customize my code as you want!

The app really needs current and used capacity sensing from your ESC to be of proper use.

Try it out here: github.com/nickthenorse/heli_telem_display

PS: I've tested it quite a bit, but there may still be some bugs here and there!


- A flight timer (counts upwards only).

- Rx telemetry: Instantaneous and mininum values for Q, A1, A2, and Rx voltage (max/min recorded for voltage). Signal levels also shown graphically.

- Maximum recorded FBL rotation rates for the elevator, aileron and rudder channels for the flight.

- Headspeed (instantaneous and maximum).

- Lipo capacity used, in both percentage and in mAh. Capacity used also shown graphically with a battery symbol. Total flight capacity of the lipo is assumed to be 80% of the nominal lipo capacity (ie, 80% of a 3700 mAh lipo = 2960 mAh).

- Custom selectable voice file/alarm levels for battery capacity used during the flight.

- Custom selectable estimation of used battery capacity based on voltage, if the Rx is powered up with a lipo that is not fully charged. Can also warn via audible voice file.

- The instantaneous and maximum values for ESC current, ESC temperature, ESC throttle/power, and FBL vibration level.

- Main flight pack voltage per cell (just the total lipo voltage divided by the number of cells), as well as the min and max values recorded during the flight. Min and max voltages shown graphically.

- Custom defineable voltage correction factor/multiplier - most ESCs do not allow you to tweak the voltage reading in case it is a few percent inaccurate.

- This main flight pack voltage per cell is also recorded as a custom variable in the Jeti flight logs.

- Allows user to define a time delay to allow for FBL initialisation. Typically need ca. 10 seconds.

- Allows user to specify number of samples to average voltage readings.

- The app will detect when a new lipo is plugged in and automatically reset the flight timer and telemetry values, though this can also be done manually by defining the appropriate switches in the menu.

Nick :)

Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Thorn, A.Kienle, ChickenLips

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