Anleitung zum Speed-Sensor

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maki antwortete auf Anleitung zum Speed-Sensor

Posted 30 März 2015 12:36 #7
von maki


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Miko antwortete auf Anleitung zum Speed-Sensor

Posted 17 Aug. 2015 19:01 #8
So if you buy a spare set of pitot and silicone tubes you can tray to install pitot in the direction of a big sailplane?
(using silicone tubes from the spare set I mean).
Why tubes are not for example 150-180 centimeters being also use in great sailplanes?
(I had a Picolario in the past with long tube......)
It's not easy to install in a molded wing without damaging D Box,,,,,,so the natural position is the fin/direction.
As connector small aluminum tubes are ok?
von Miko

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maki antwortete auf Anleitung zum Speed-Sensor

Posted 18 Aug. 2015 08:00 #9
I hav e tested my solution, as you can see in tail section of my salto. If you will install pitot tube in vertical you can use anny tube, yust don't use smaller then the hole in silicon is. I will prefer big nedless because they are stainless stell with thin walls. Aluminium can easyli bend.....bether is brass
I don't think the long tubes will have some drastikal efect on measurement. Yust keep it tight.
von maki
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