RX Receiver should be enabled to prioritize EX Sensor signals

  • HeliMLM
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HeliMLM antwortete auf RX Receiver should be enabled to prioritize EX Sensor signals

Posted 30 März 2021 11:51 #19

gecko_749 wrote: ...If the expander is integrated in a RX - then and only then you are right.

no (extra) expander in my helis... only Rex3 (or even integrated in Spirit RS)... so my point of view is of course a bit different from a plane flyer with a lot of more complicated stuff in it ;) so we i guess we agree on that point!

gecko_749 wrote: But even a network router doesn't look into the paket contents.He looks into the header for destination and requested priority from the sender....

in this point you are not right, sorry... of course it does if necessary. it even drops, splits or concats them if necessary... ( just to drop some words: stateful packet inspection, packet splitting (~max. MTU of other routers), data clearing, etc). modern routers and firewalls are much more... but this is getting of topic by far - sorry for that.

absolutely right that i am not a specialist in Jeti telemetry protocol... but in IT & networking. and why not learn of guys that already solved the problems we are talking about? btw: i am really interested in Jeti protocol implementation too... do you have a good point start reading at?

my general problem with sensors being responsible for management of timings or protocols is: in reality there will be always one (or more) not respecting the rules (even if by error) and thus it will not work as expected. less advanced sensors will not have it implemented at all (where we would reduce our own choice). this is the point where the concentrators are the more realistic point to force the rules. very good proposal by Andre...

von HeliMLM

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