DC/DS-16: Special Model Options for non-aircraft

  • GerdS
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DC/DS-16: Special Model Options for non-aircraft wurde erstellt von GerdS

Posted 05 Sep. 2013 15:36 #1

I have programmed an electric powered speed boat on my DC-16 and was wondering about the very spartanic options available.
First, when creating the model by using the "Truck & Boat" wizzard I wondered as there was only the question for engine setup but no rudder setup.
I have setup the rudder then manually.

The next problem ocurred when I intended defining a safety switch for the engine as I am knowing thorugh "Special Model Options"/"Engine Off" at least for my helicopters.
For trucks and boats all engine options are missing but I can't see any logical reason for this.

Therefore, please harmonise this for the next firmware version by correcting the wizzard for rudder setup and re-enabling the missing menu items within that options menu.

Regards, Gerd
von GerdS

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