Logfile name with model name

  • onki
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Logfile name with model name wurde erstellt von onki

Posted 25 Okt. 2013 23:33 #1

It is just a simple suggestion but it might help many peaople to find the correct logfile.
At the moment the filname is the time of the flight start (in the folder with the current date.).
I think it would help a lot identifying the right file if you could also add the model name to the file, after the date to keep the correct sorting.
Or is there a 8.3 lenght limitation like the old DOS file names (which would be a pity).

Best regards
Gruß aus dem Nordschwarzwald
Rainer aka Onki
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Last Edit:25 Okt. 2013 23:33 von onki
Letzte Änderung: 25 Okt. 2013 23:33 von onki.
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kaos.dll antwortete auf Logfile name with model name

Posted 26 Okt. 2013 01:45 #2
I think in the year 2013 we do not need to talk about 8.3 anymore. ;)

The TX drops the logs in a Model-named folder, to I think there's no need to rename the logs.
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onki antwortete auf Logfile name with model name

Posted 26 Okt. 2013 09:54 #3

actually both solution are possible but using a different folder structure will probably be more complicated and maybe confusing since right now the date is used to create the folder structure.
I can live with both versions but to be honest I don't like complicated folder structures. I prefer longer and structured filenames.
A compromise might be the following structure:

I hope this will have no impact on any evaluation software such as DataExplorer.
@Manuel: I don't know which firmware version you are using but my V2.20 uses the date (/YYYYMMDD) as subfolder for the logs. Model name is in the the first line of the logfile after the "#". This makes it a bit tricky to figure out the right logfile when using 2 different model the same day. The structure you describe is from a dirrerent radio. Could it be that you are using DataExplorer? I think DE scans all file headers when building up the catalog checking the model names which takes a while.

Best regards
Gruß aus dem Nordschwarzwald
Rainer aka Onki
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Last Edit:26 Okt. 2013 09:55 von onki
Letzte Änderung: 26 Okt. 2013 09:55 von onki.

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gecko_749 antwortete auf Logfile name with model name

Posted 26 Okt. 2013 10:17 #4
von gecko_749

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dibub antwortete auf Re:Logfile name with model name

Posted 26 Okt. 2013 10:18 #5

I guess that subfolders will slow down or make the display/analysis in the TX harder. Extra navigation would be needed.

8.3 still can be an issue. What about the model number and time saved in folders for each date.

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dibub antwortete auf Logfile name with model name

Posted 29 Okt. 2013 18:02 #6
Hallo emax,

> I guess that subfolders will slow down

There is no perceptible slow down due to an additional directory level.

You did cite me incomplete ! I wrote and mean:

I guess that subfolders will slow down or make the display/analysis in the TX harder. Extra navigation would be needed.

Extra folders would need extra navigation/clicking, it is clear that the system itself will not be slowed down perceptible.
On a PC, in a backup, it will help to keep things sorted, so subdirectories would be good, in which particular way and order, is probably a question of personal preference.

Best regards

von dibub

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