It would be nice if using 2 receivers in dual path mode if the PPM stream of the secondary receiver could be converted/passed to a port that is outputting EX-Bus to another device. I recently disconvered this shortcoming with my new Jeti system where I was using a REX7 and R3/RSW in dual path mode and a Cortex Pro connected to EX-Bus output of the REX 7. If I turned off the primary Tx RF module I would lose all my primary flight controls on the Cortex Pro; I still had control of the servos plugged directly into the REX 7(Flaps, Gear, Brakes, throttle, etc.) via secondary Tx RF module and the PPM output of the R3 but this is not exactly the redundant setup I was trying to achieve.
Additionally, since the R3 can output EX-Bus directly it would be ideal if it could be used as a secondary receiver in EX-Bus mode vice PPM.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: marap, e-modell
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