Disable popup for trim settings when trim buttons are used as switches only

  • ritomsee
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Disable popup for trim settings when trim buttons are used as switches only wurde erstellt von ritomsee

Posted 19 Juli 2018 08:09 #1
When the trim buttons are used as switches only (e.g. when using a gyro) the popup of the trim settings window whenever they are pressed is disturbing. Please add the ability to disable this window in case trim is not applied to any control (or by a manual setting), thanks.
von ritomsee
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  • cravenjw
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cravenjw antwortete auf Disable popup for trim settings when trim buttons are used as switches only

Posted 01 Aug. 2018 15:52 #2
I would like to see this also.

Maybe a setting, for disable all trim poppups,
Maybe a second setting to stop only "trim control" based poppups (manual trim buttons still show trim poppup).

For settings, i would not use true/false, but rather a poppup timeout in seconds. Zero means disabled, don't show. Otherwise the number of seconds the poppup stays alive. Currently i find the poppup duration way too long now. With the above setting scheme, i could get rid of them and/or control their duration.
von cravenjw

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