DS-5 as student transmitter?

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DS-5 as student transmitter? wurde erstellt von Fotor

Posted 08 Feb. 2019 09:58 #1
I'm thinking of using a DS-5 as a student transmitter with my DS-16.

I've watched some youtube movies, and in those movies they mention that the model should be fully programmed in the student transmitter to function correctly. That would pretty much render the DS-5 useless (a non-programmable transmitter).

But in the DS-16 manual I find the following text:
If student’s transmitter if set to “Student” mode, any dual-rates, mixes or any other advanced features are disabled in the student’s transmitter.
That would implicate that the DS-5 only sends the 'bare stick positions' to the DS-16, and that the DS-16 uses the mixers, dual-rate etc of the current model to make the appropriate end-signal to the model. This would be what I want.

Does anyone have experience with this? Should the complete model-program be in the student transmitter or is a 'basic program' enough?

(answers may be in German, I can read German well but writing is more difficult)
von Fotor

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Jürgen antwortete auf DS-5 as student transmitter?

Posted 08 Feb. 2019 11:06 #2

Nein, das Modell wird im Lehrersender Programmiert. Der Schülersender kann "dumm" sein.
the master of the Desaster
Last Edit:08 Feb. 2019 11:26 von Jürgen
Letzte Änderung: 08 Feb. 2019 11:26 von Jürgen.
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FuniCapi antwortete auf DS-5 as student transmitter?

Posted 08 Feb. 2019 11:14 #3

Fotor wrote: That would implicate that the DS-5 only sends the 'bare stick positions' to the DS-16, and that the DS-16 uses the mixers, dual-rate etc of the current model to make the appropriate end-signal to the model. This would be what I want.

That's exactly how it works when you set the teacher function on the DS-16.

von FuniCapi
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Fotor antwortete auf DS-5 as student transmitter?

Posted 08 Feb. 2019 11:37 #4
Thank you so much for your answers.
I know enough, I will probably get me a DS-5 as a student transmitter.
von Fotor

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