Throws and mixes

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PW antwortete auf Throws and mixes

Posted 27 März 2019 10:37 #7

you can test it easily ...

create a modell, create function snapflaps .... then use snapflaps and go in Dual rate menue and make adjustments with elevator rates and you will see what happens with Snap Flaps.

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skyfreak antwortete auf Throws and mixes

Posted 27 März 2019 12:32 #8

Regnar wrote: My question is: If I reduce elevator by using dual rate, do I then also reduce the amount of snapflaps wich is initated y the elevator?

well my reply was and is, that it depends on how you set your flaspsnap.
one more trial, lets make up a very easy szenario:
- single flight mode STANDARD
- free mixer Elevator->Ailerons on switchable, lets say by switch A

so you program, that when switch A is ON the free mixer will be on and equivalent A = OFF no snapflap.
when this is done and you change now the DR (higher or lower doesn't matter) it will of cause influence the DR of the flapsnap as well, as we are in a single flightmode and snapflap simply works on switch A on/off.
but in the DR menu, you can set for one single flighmode different values switchable. in DR menu you have an option to select a trigger.
ok lets say you have trows on elevator and aileron 100%, now you set your free mixer for snapflap.
then you change throws for elevator and aileron by DR menu, eg. from 100% to 80%, than of cause this will have impact on snapflap as well. but you could assign switch A (the snapflap switch for the free-mixer) again as a trigger in the DR menu. so when normally flying you have 80% throws, but when A = ON = Snapflap Mixer ON you can set the DR back to 100%.
now switching A will
enable / disable snapflap
and it will as well change the DR from 80% standard to 100% when snapflap is on.

but I have the idea, that I still not get quite well what the problem is or what you want to achieve.
contact me by PN and we could try to solve your problem by voip ... fone/whatsapp/skype e.g.


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Regnar antwortete auf Throws and mixes

Posted 27 März 2019 17:38 #9
Ok Now I tested.

Testmodel is f3b style glider, and testing shows:

1 - Reducing throw of elevator in "Sevo Setup" do not change the output of the mix "Snapflaps"
2 - Reducing throw of elevator in "Dual Rate" do change the output of the mix "Snapflaps"
3 - Reducing throw of elevator in "Function Curves" do change the output of the mix "Snapflaps"

And not only are snapflap throw reduced in 2 and 3, but also it is not possible to use the full mixer curve in the "Free mixes" menu.

This result leads me to the conclusion that the intial set up of throws and fine tuning of them, should be done in "Servo Setup".

Any thoughts or comments on this?
Best regards
Last Edit:27 März 2019 17:39 von Regnar
Letzte Änderung: 27 März 2019 17:39 von Regnar.

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skyfreak antwortete auf Throws and mixes

Posted 27 März 2019 17:51 #10

Regnar wrote: This result leads me to the conclusion that the intial set up of throws and fine tuning of them, should be done in "Servo Setup".

that's how I start, and in servo menu I set the limits to the maximum that mechanicaly the thorw would allow, so I am sure that even even overrifing by incresaing e.g. DR will never lead to block my servo.

Regnar wrote: 1 - Reducing throw of elevator in "Sevo Setup" do not change the output of the mix "Snapflaps"
2 - Reducing throw of elevator in "Dual Rate" do change the output of the mix "Snapflaps"
3 - Reducing throw of elevator in "Function Curves" do change the output of the mix "Snapflaps"

as I ried to explain.
but in 2 and 3 you can have different values by flightmodes or by switches or combined, up to the max thrwo that is defined by limit in servo menu.

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Regnar antwortete auf Throws and mixes

Posted 27 März 2019 18:49 #11

skyfreak wrote:

Regnar wrote: as I ried to explain.
but in 2 and 3 you can have different values by flightmodes or by switches or combined, up to the max thrwo that is defined by limit in servo menu.

Yes, I have become aware of that posisbillity. Thank you.

Best regards
von Regnar

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