If you are considering changing your transmitter, consider a DS model. These have accelerometers which are not available on the DC series.
As an example, I move my radio forward and it reads out altitude, left and it reads out RPM, right and it reads out flight mode and timer. Hugely powerful option.
...but not an option if someone is using a tray transmitter for years.
The question from the TS was DC 16 or DC16v2. So IMHO a hand transmitter is not an option.
Usually a tray transmitter is used with a harness and commonly in a tray, therefore accelerometers are mostly useless.
The disadvantage of a hand transmitter in a tray, loss of the frontswitches (not in reach/usable) are more impacting the usability.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Gliderfan1, skyfreak, Urbs
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