DC 24 II teardown

  • Black_bird70
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DC 24 II teardown wurde erstellt von Black_bird70

Posted 06 Okt. 2023 21:40 #1
Hi to everybody,
I´m the happy owner of a new DC24 II. My only problem is I don´t like the colour of any of the available frames.
Because of that, I bought the grey version. It´s a painted version and my thought was to use it for a while and after realizing everything was OK, anodize it with a colour of my like, for example black like DC16 II.
The problem I have, is after doing the teardown I found the block with screen and antena is screwed from the outside to the inside. In the outside there is a plastic protector of the screen, the one you see when looking at the screen and I suppose it´s glued with doble face tape.
Does anyone knows how to teardown this protector? I guess I have to heat the outside and push it from the inside but if any of you knows the proper way it would be helpful.
Thank you
von Black_bird70

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klaus antwortete auf DC 24 II teardown

Posted 08 Okt. 2023 09:01 #2
Frag doch mal bei Jeti nach (info@jetimodel.cz). Der Hersteller kann dir bestimmt sagen, wie du die Antenne abmontieren kannst. Die Garantie wird bei solchen Aktionen dann aber wohl erloschen sein.

Gruß Klaus
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von klaus

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Black_bird70 antwortete auf DC 24 II teardown

Posted 08 Okt. 2023 15:11 #3

Frag doch mal bei Jeti nach (info@jetimodel.cz). Der Hersteller kann dir bestimmt sagen, wie du die Antenne abmontieren kannst. Die Garantie wird bei solchen Aktionen dann aber wohl erloschen sein.

Gruß Klaus

Thanks for your answer Klaus.
That´s what I did. Just hopping someone in the forum would be able to let me know about it before getting the answer if I do from Jeti.

By the way, the frame I´ve got, the one painted in grey, is an anodized one in hacker´s colour.
von Black_bird70

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Black_bird70 antwortete auf DC 24 II teardown

Posted 10 Okt. 2023 09:05 #4
Answer received from Jeti.

Yes, it's "double face tape". Heat the glass and carefully remove it using a "suction cup".
von Black_bird70

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LBA antwortete auf DC 24 II teardown

Posted 10 Okt. 2023 09:17 #5
Hi blackbird (I guess this is not your real name :) ),

does that mean they took an anodized frame as the basis for the paint job?

von LBA

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Black_bird70 antwortete auf DC 24 II teardown

Posted 10 Okt. 2023 09:51 #6

Hi blackbird (I guess this is not your real name :) ),

does that mean they took an anodized frame as the basis for the paint job?


Yeah, one with a few flaws.
Iñaki is my real name
von Black_bird70

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