Can a clone be added in Double Path Mode

  • MichaFranz
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MichaFranz antwortete auf Can a clone be added in Double Path Mode

Posted 27 Aug. 2017 17:40 #7
von MichaFranz

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Facefullofsnow antwortete auf Can a clone be added in Double Path Mode

Posted 27 Aug. 2017 19:15 #8
It does work that way too, thank you :) Interesting. So probably good to have two independent receivers in the aircraft and just the gimbal receiver setup as clone. This way if the main R9 completely fails in the aircraft the Rsat2 will still control via Enlink.

I guess the question is what is more likely to fail, as with this arrangement you are adding the Enlink and if that fails, I will then lose both receivers. However I suppose with having the clone feeding into the R9 on the aircraft and the other Tx connected to the gimbal there is more to fail. If Tx 1 fails or R9 fails, I will lose connection, so there is twice the risk of failure than the Enlink failing.

So next question, can the Enlink accept one input from PPM and one from Sbus? I'm guessing not :( The reason I ask is my main R9 I am outputting PWM into an Sbus converter as I have heard that PPM into A2 is not recommended. Therefore one input would be Sbus and the RSat2 would be PPM into the Enlink.
Last Edit:27 Aug. 2017 19:43 von Facefullofsnow
Letzte Änderung: 27 Aug. 2017 19:43 von Facefullofsnow.

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MichaFranz antwortete auf Can a clone be added in Double Path Mode

Posted 27 Aug. 2017 20:22 #9
Take this firmware

to all R- Receiver.Put the receiver output 14-16ms and all Servo in the DC16 to max 80%.

Now you dont need any s-Bus converter.The Firmware works very fine.

von MichaFranz
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Facefullofsnow antwortete auf Can a clone be added in Double Path Mode

Posted 27 Aug. 2017 20:47 #10
That's brilliant, thank you. I don't have a USB updater for the receiver yet! I will get one tomorrow and update them. Does that work on the Rsat2 as well, or just the R EX receivers?

With using this, can I then use the Enlink with this Jeti Sbus outputs? Thank you very much for your help Micha! So much appreciated.
Last Edit:27 Aug. 2017 21:35 von Facefullofsnow
Letzte Änderung: 27 Aug. 2017 21:35 von Facefullofsnow.

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MichaFranz antwortete auf Can a clone be added in Double Path Mode

Posted 27 Aug. 2017 23:33 #11
The Firmware is for all R-Receiver (EX) not for the REX.

Yes you can use the Receivers with Enlink and S-Bus.

von MichaFranz

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Facefullofsnow antwortete auf Can a clone be added in Double Path Mode

Posted 27 Aug. 2017 23:48 #12
Brilliant, thanks Micha I'll get the Rsat2 and R9 updated!

Thank you, you've been a huge help!
von Facefullofsnow

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