Fms Super Scorpion reflex gyro and jeti

  • Aw1978
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Fms Super Scorpion reflex gyro and jeti wurde erstellt von Aw1978

Posted 18 Juni 2022 15:40 #1
Hi all,
Just purchased an Fms super scorpion with the reflex gyro.
Setup guide is usless, I am using ds12, tried multiple recivers / rex 12 / rex 3.
I have it setup how the manual states, Servo assingments Alie ch1 ,ele ch2, Thr ch 3 and rud ch 4. ch5 is gyro.
I am using single wire to E2/chn 8 port and changed to Sbus pin out i have also tried Pwm.
on sbus all surfaces work, but i cannot change gyro modes that is assigned to switch SE
any ideas ?
von Aw1978

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