Save memory on Lua-apps! Great app from Jetimodel

  • TeroS
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TeroS antwortete auf Save memory on Lua-apps! Great app from Jetimodel

Posted 06 Jan. 2017 22:34 #7
What comes to the marketing-thing, we do not know if the idea on bottom of the whole thing is truly marketing, "a teaser into Lua". One thing is sure, it have worked. There's not that many places in web where there is info on Lua for Jeti but my site is one of them and after Lua came to 16 I can see a clear peak in the visitor-amount. Also looking at what pages are visited it is very clear that Lua is definately the most interesting thing in Jeti-stuff right now.

What comes to the boomerang, yes, I agree with you. It's a thin line.

One more thing, put this line in to your local function loop(), just before the loop-closing end:


Now run your app, memory-usage (in kB) is shown in console.
von TeroS
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Thorn antwortete auf Save memory on Lua-apps! Great app from Jetimodel

Posted 06 Jan. 2017 22:46 #8
I have just tested it is amistered that the problem with the sounds is only now is the problem that the battery on the screen remains to 99.4 per cent. Had as a sensor a unisence E installed. No matter if I use voltage or capacity it simply does not happen ..... Do they have an idea Tores?

Danke Jeti
!! Bitte alle meine Apps vom Sender Löschen!

Sorry, wegen meiner Rechtschreibung und Grammatik!!!

Lg Thorn
von Thorn

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Sepp62 antwortete auf Save memory on Lua-apps! Great app from Jetimodel

Posted 06 Jan. 2017 22:51 #9
Thanks for your advice with the "collectgarbage" command.

I found another way to show the GC value:
- Activate Lua console (F1)
- Press the info key (F1)
- Press Refresh (F3) and Yes (F5)

GC Count value is printed to console.

Since the active Lua script does not contain any collectgarbage-statement, I assume that the output is generated by "the system".
von Sepp62

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TeroS antwortete auf Re:Save memory on Lua-apps! Great app from Jetimodel

Posted 07 Jan. 2017 00:33 #10
Activate Lua console where? I cant get that to sum up.
von TeroS

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Sepp62 antwortete auf Re:Save memory on Lua-apps! Great app from Jetimodel

Posted 07 Jan. 2017 09:04 #11
:unsure: Ah ok, I saw this only works in DC24 Emulator. Sorry for misinformation.:unsure:
von Sepp62

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