Possible to Have THREE Assist Flight Modes AND Switch to Disable?

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Possible to Have THREE Assist Flight Modes AND Switch to Disable? wurde erstellt von snowflake6515

Posted 08 Nov. 2017 18:54 #1
Reading the manual, the normal flight modes are "off" / "normal" / and "heading hold".

There appears to be an option to have a separate switch to disable the assist feature.

Does this mean that it would be possible to have FOUR modes: flight_mode_1 / flight_mode_2 / flight_mode_3 controlled by a three-pos switch and a separate two position switch to disable ASSIST?

Alternatively, if the gains were set to ZERO, in any flight mode other than "OFF", would that also disable assist capability?
UPDATE: re-read the manual and -100 sets gain to a minimum of 10%, so this approach will not work.

I am interested in having a choice between three different flight modes, with assist, instead of reserving one of the three modes to be "OFF".
A separate switch should allow four modes.

Thank you.
Last Edit:08 Nov. 2017 20:01 von snowflake6515
Letzte Änderung: 08 Nov. 2017 20:01 von snowflake6515. Begründung: Updated zero gain query.

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Jochen antwortete auf Possible to Have THREE Assist Flight Modes AND Switch to Disable?

Posted 08 Nov. 2017 21:17 #2
Hi Michael,
first quick check: yes, it´s possible. I´ve one 3-way-switch for normal, heading, Horizont, another 2-way Switch for assist On/off and a third channel for increase / decrease. Look´s fine :-)
Set value to -100 does not power off the assist, it still works a Little bit.

best regards
von Jochen
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snowflake6515 antwortete auf Possible to Have THREE Assist Flight Modes AND Switch to Disable?

Posted 08 Nov. 2017 22:04 #3
Perfect; exactly as I hoped; just have to wait for JetiUSA to get them next month.

von snowflake6515

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