BIN Files for REX Assist

  • Didier
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BIN Files for REX Assist wurde erstellt von Didier

Posted 23 Nov. 2017 12:18 #1
Hello Guys,

I have a question regarding the BIN files for the REX Assist.
I see besides the BIN files, there are also PNG and BMP files (images).
Do you have to put all those files in the "Device folder"?

von Didier

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  • onki
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onki antwortete auf BIN Files for REX Assist

Posted 23 Nov. 2017 13:22 #2

these files are required for the user interface and must be copied in addition to the .bin files.
But you need to keep the directory structure so that the png files etc. must be placed in the subfolder (/img and /3Digilmg).

Best regards

Gruß aus dem Nordschwarzwald
Rainer aka Onki
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von onki
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  • Didier
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Didier antwortete auf BIN Files for REX Assist

Posted 23 Nov. 2017 15:41 #3

onki wrote: Hi,

these files are required for the user interface and must be copied in addition to the .bin files.
But you need to keep the directory structure so that the png files etc. must be placed in the subfolder (/img and /3Digilmg).

Best regards


Thanks Onki!
I really appreciate.
von Didier

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