Assist 12 strange behavior on linking

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Assist 12 strange behavior on linking wurde erstellt von HSC

Posted 08 Juni 2018 22:23 #1
Hello !:) :)
Yesterday I have changed my old rex12 with the new rex12 assist...
Everything went pretty much wihout complications even the test flight went well...
I have also set gain control wia telemetry also ( pitot probe on the plane )
But today something strange happened on the field : when I have turn on the system the Assist armed an imidiantly aftrer arming, start loosing link with the transmitter get the link back for second an loose it again and get it back, but servos was without control all the time ( some of them were death, some of them are moving totally without control ), when I reepluged again everything was normal....strange......
But now I em a bit afraid too fly with this reciver...
The transmitter was DS16 (4.23), reciver rex 12 (1.07)
Aybodey have similar problem ?
I have try too search on the web no luck...
von HSC

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