Virtueller Sensor als Alarm?

  • StarCobra
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Virtueller Sensor als Alarm? wurde erstellt von StarCobra

Posted 20 Nov. 2022 16:54 #1
habe bei meiner DS-12 die App Virtueller Sensor installiert und lasse mir aus MUI-Spannung und MUI-Strom die Leistung in Watt berechnen.
Kann, bzw. wie, kann der Wert des Virtuellen Sensors als Sprachausgabe wiedergegeben und als Alarm (max. Motorleistung) gesetzt werden?

Danke vorab und Gruß
von StarCobra

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  • Harry Curzon
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Harry Curzon antwortete auf Virtueller Sensor als Alarm?

Posted 20 Nov. 2022 19:02 #2
You cannot. Jeti wrote Virtual Sensor poorly so that the only output it has is Displayed Telemetry.
However if you use our app Virtual Sensor Extended Functions, VSensXF, you can use Voice Output, Alarms, Logging as well as having multiple calculations and more functions.
von Harry Curzon
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  • StarCobra
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StarCobra antwortete auf Virtueller Sensor als Alarm?

Posted 21 Nov. 2022 16:41 #3
Hallo Harry,
thank´s a lot for your answer. This is what I´m looking for.
I got the app installed and I can select it. But under "Status" Error is displayed. When I go to the next step, which should allow to choose the telemetric data, "Error-attemt to call nil value" gets indicated.
Do you have an idea, whats wrong?
Thanks and regards
Last Edit:21 Nov. 2022 16:43 von StarCobra
Letzte Änderung: 21 Nov. 2022 16:43 von StarCobra.

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davidmcq137 antwortete auf Virtueller Sensor als Alarm?

Posted 21 Nov. 2022 19:27 #4
Hi SC,
Harry let me know about your problem.

Do you have a newer transmitter to run it on with the .lua version? Using the .lc file on an older TX gives no information about the problem (as you can see!).

If not can you show me screenshots of how you have set it up? I am happy to help but it might require a little bit of work.

von davidmcq137

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  • nikolausi
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nikolausi antwortete auf Virtueller Sensor als Alarm?

Posted 21 Nov. 2022 22:18 #5
Hi Dave,
transmitter emulator of Jeti-Studio says (Language = English):

V-SensXF: gcc 115,3584
Error in V-SensXF: ?:-1: attempt to compare nil with number

von nikolausi

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  • StarCobra
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StarCobra antwortete auf Virtueller Sensor als Alarm?

Posted 22 Nov. 2022 16:03 #6
Hi Harry, Dave and Klaus,
thank´s for your answers.
Klaus, you got the point. When I changed the language to English, I could select the VSensXF, program it and it work exactly as it should. To my surprise it still functioned when I change back to German. But only as long as the transmitter was turned on. When turned off and back on again, the error indication was back.
As I don´t want to loose all my created sound files, I won´t use the VSensXF and continue with an alarm for max. current.

Best regards
von StarCobra

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