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Update to the Instrument Panel app 04 Dez 2023 17:45 #7

  • Harry Curzon
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I have created two more panels for the Instrument Panel app, and Dave has added them to the app for anyone to use. These are for twin engine models, either piston engines or with a little modification electric motors. The twin needles in one dial makes it extremely easy to see when motors are out of synchronisation.
To get them go to the jetiluadfm.app website and press the "create app source" button, then download to your tx through Jeti Studio as usual.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: MarkusD, sunbeam, IG-Modellbau, frank.kleiner@gmx.net

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Update to the Instrument Panel app 05 Dez 2023 17:27 #8

  • Harry Curzon
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Dave McQueeney has had to make changes to the way you get his LUA apps, because Digitech Aerosports will no longer be hosting his apps that you get through Jeti Studio. Therefore there is a new address to put into the Apps Sources tab in Studio. I have amended the address the description box in my youtube videos about each app.

1. Details of all Dave's apps are added to the website where you build the maps and instrument panel app, www.jetiluadfm.app

2. The new address to put into Jeti Studio is www.jetiluadfm.app/staticrepo/DFMHC/Apps.json You must also delete the obsolete jetimodel.nl address otherwise conflicts may occur. Do not delete the special address generated by the maps/instrument panel apps.

3. Dave's website also now has a button to allow you to contribute towards the cost of it. Dave, his son Russell, and I do all the work to create the apps for free, but the website costs Dave in hard cash for a monthly subscription fee, so if you have benefited from the apps I hope that you will feel able to donate something towards the cost of the website that makes the apps available. Thank you.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: MarkusD, sunbeam, IG-Modellbau, frank.kleiner@gmx.net

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Update to the Instrument Panel app 06 Dez 2023 03:02 #9

  • davidmcq137
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Thanks Harry. We should all thank Sandor at Digitech for allowing the apps to be hosted on his site for so many years and he was very kind allow us time to transition in an orderly way.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: MarkusD, sunbeam, IG-Modellbau, frank.kleiner@gmx.net

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Update to the Instrument Panel app 13 Jan 2024 18:45 #10

  • Jannica
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Does anyone know if the dfm -apps work together with the larger screen on DC 24 II?


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Update to the Instrument Panel app 13 Jan 2024 23:11 #11

  • davidmcq137
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Hi Jannica ... here in the US we don't have any of the new systems yet, so I can't try them myself. I have reports that many of my apps run fine but also some reports that certain items are shifted on the screen in the Maps app. The simplest thing is to just try it .. I think most will work fine given what Jeti has done to try for compatibility (see below).

I emailed Jeti so they are aware of the issue with the Maps app on the 24-II and I presume will fix the issue at some point if it's really in their code. They have always been very good on responding and helping when asked. They told me that the intent was to have apps run in a subset of the screen that is the same size/shape as the old color displays and that apps wanting to use the whole new screen had to make a special call to ask for the additional space. That makes a lot of sense from a compatibility point of view! If that works as intended, no changes would be needed to any apps unless they wanted to use the entire new screen. And that would be great for some apps!

The maps app may have found a small issue with the translations from old screen to new screen that Jeti needs to fix. As I recall there are three different ways to speficy drawing locations in the API and the Maps app uses them all. My guess is that Jeti translated 2 of the 3 correctly to map to the new display and missed one. That of course is only a guess based on one pilot's report to me and some screenshots he sent.

There is not really much I can do at this point .. though I am more than happy to make changes to the app to work around the bugs if I knew what they were .. but I don't. It would be even nicer to use the whole screen when running on the new TX .. happy to do that as well but that's more work since I committed the sin of hard-wiring too many things about the old display size in the code. So fixing that will be my pennance for bad programming practice :-)

If anyone who has a new TX with an app issue wants to work with me on debugging it I am happy to do so.

Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: MarkusD, Gilles, tomsl1, Jannica, IG-Modellbau

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Update to the Instrument Panel app 14 Jan 2024 08:35 #12

  • Jannica
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Hello Dave

Thank you very much for your answer. I´m am so grateful to people like you who spend time and effort for the benefit of all of us others. I´m new to apps but I will make a try and then share my experiences in due time. I guess that Harry C. also will have something to say on the subject as soon as he has gained some experience of the new screens.

Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: MarkusD

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