Vorstellung Jeti DC-24 V2 auf der Jet Power

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BOE antwortete auf Vorstellerung Jeti DC-24 V2 auf der Jet Power

Posted 21 Sep. 2022 10:40 #163
Hallo Peter,
...das macht es nicht besser - ich habe keine "Probleme oder Notwendigkeiten geäußert einen Jeti support zu benötigen" - also bitte aufhören MIR diese Replay's zu geben.
ICH bin 10.000 % mir Jeti zufrieden und muss hier nichts zerreden sondern gem. dem Thema dieses Threds wünsche mir einen themenorientierten konstruktiven Austausch über Features die heute schon bekannt sind bzw. die ggf. in der Zukunft bekanntgegeben werden.

Gruss Bernd
We’re armed with new technology and going backwards to a cavemen mentality (Depeche Mode)
Last Edit:21 Sep. 2022 10:42 von BOE
Letzte Änderung: 21 Sep. 2022 10:42 von BOE.
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PW antwortete auf Vorstellerung Jeti DC-24 V2 auf der Jet Power

Posted 21 Sep. 2022 11:05 #164
Hallo Bernd ,

ist doch alles gut und ok; hitzige Diskussionen gibt ja in allen Foren.

Zur DC-24 V2:

hier gibt es aktuell nur dass, was ich bereits an Daten/Infos hier eingestellt habe. Mehr gibt es aktuell nicht.

Offizielle Vorstellung soll ! in Friedrichshafen sein; so wurde es kommuniziert. Werden wir dann sehen. In Friedrichshafen sind ja auch - wie auf der JetPower - die Jeti Leute da.

Meine dauernder Hinweis "Hacker anrufen" war bezogen auf die User zum Thema "Funkstrecke/Rückkanal usw.".

Rechtsbeistand u.a. bei "Modellflugproblemen"etc. : Rechtsanwälte Wessels & Partner, Tel.: 02362/27065

PW Modellbautechnik ( Jeti Kombiangebote, Beratung/Einstellservice etc.)
von PW

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Archangel antwortete auf Vorstellerung Jeti DC-24 V2 auf der Jet Power

Posted 24 Sep. 2022 18:12 #165
Hello, I am a long time Multiplex user and with the drastic reduction in the radio offer from Multiplex I am looking for an alternative radio system.

I have read this thread on the forum and I have to say that PW seems to block any constructive discussion on the subject of Jeti so it has rather put me off. I do not understand it, especially when there is alternative choices.

I recently joined an additional glider club and a few members were using Jeti which has encouraged me to look at this premium range of radio. I do find it hard to listen to the PW style of reducing the interesting comments of other contributors so now, well I am more undecided on Jeti than I was before reading this thread on the Jeti forum.

Pw, you are better when you give constructive information rather than defending Jeti, when no one is attacking it. You remind me of the evangelical Christian that also defends their faith when no one is even saying anything negative of it.

I'm sorry but this is the way I feel as a new member of the Jeti forum.
Last Edit:24 Sep. 2022 18:16 von Archangel
Letzte Änderung: 24 Sep. 2022 18:16 von Archangel.
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PW antwortete auf Vorstellerung Jeti DC-24 V2 auf der Jet Power

Posted 24 Sep. 2022 20:09 #166
Hi Archangel,

you can have your personal meanings .. but please respect that I have also my personal meanings.

I am a private person, I am not owner of Jeti or have any influence on decisions from Jeti /cz. Please be so kind to be fair. You or others have an opinion and I have mine. Even being in the test team, I have no and I will not and want not have any influence what Jeti will do; this is only decision of owner of Jeti /Cz.

And if you have any suggestions, wishes, critics etc.; you are totally free to write to the Jeti support or to the distributor ! If you have any question you are free to call the distributor or Jeti directy.

Why does nobody call or write to Jeti or distributor ? You can do this directly on Monday and talk to this persons and you can report here. Funny also that nobody spoke about this at Schwabmünchen or at Jet Power (also not in other wordwide forums).


Phone or write Jeti about that what you are meaning about Jeti or Jeti products. I am a private person. I am not blocking any discussion here; I am not deleting any thread; I am only writing my personal meaning, which you should respect - even if you do not like it- .

A person, which has a different opinion is not blocking a discussion !

Rechtsbeistand u.a. bei "Modellflugproblemen"etc. : Rechtsanwälte Wessels & Partner, Tel.: 02362/27065

PW Modellbautechnik ( Jeti Kombiangebote, Beratung/Einstellservice etc.)
Last Edit:24 Sep. 2022 20:26 von PW
Letzte Änderung: 24 Sep. 2022 20:26 von PW.

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skyfreak antwortete auf Vorstellerung Jeti DC-24 V2 auf der Jet Power

Posted 24 Sep. 2022 21:31 #167
/*** BOF offtopic ***/
die einen sehen es so ... und die anderen ;-) ... auch so ... huahuahuahua
ach hatte ich schon geschrieben !?

... which you should respect - even if you do not like it- .
A person, which has a different opinion is not blocking a discussion !

at this point we are no more talking about respecting other opinions, we talk about the way amount and style
I gave up to discuss, or even have the most tiny critic, on anything jeti ... it's always a dead end ... or as @Archangel desribed 'envangelism'

only one question please PW, if the company is not yours, and if you are only a private person, why do you teach the community over and over again in this thread how companies act or have to in order to survive the market ... and yes I out myself standing on @Archangel's side ... you defend constantly where the community just discusses.

my2cents, no personal offense, just a private opinion like yours that I would like to be respected ;)

/*** EOF offtopic ***/

Too many dicks on the dance floor.
Too many dicks!​

von skyfreak
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skyfreak antwortete auf Vorstellerung Jeti DC-24 V2 auf der Jet Power

Posted 24 Sep. 2022 21:40 #168

... seems to block any constructive discussion on the subject of Jeti so it has rather put me off ...

nothing should put you off from a fantastic radio system like jeti, and not at all a forum nor any specific users, that as PW himself says, has not whatsoever relation to jeti or this forum other than we all.

I recently joined an additional glider club and a few members were using Jeti which has encouraged me to look at this premium range of radio. I do find it hard to listen to the PW style of reducing the interesting comments of other contributors so now, well I am more undecided on Jeti than I was before reading this thread on the Jeti forum.

there is so many here to help, and for the completeness and fairness, PW helps always as well when users have a problem
so do not make the tone or development of certain threads to a major fact for your decision, forums are forums, after a critical mass the tone always drops and that said jeti forum is one of the best when it comes to politness and helping ... word!

I can only repeat, jeti is a fantastic radio system, reliable, and nearly perfect
we are moaning here in this thread and talking discussing and critizing on a very high level

being english native check out harry curzon's videos on YT and always feel free to message me
you will be amazed what is possible and how intuitive and easy things become ones you commit and forget about MPX or other systems, a switch will always cause doubts but with jeti you are on a good if not best path

Too many dicks on the dance floor.
Too many dicks!​

Last Edit:24 Sep. 2022 21:43 von skyfreak
Letzte Änderung: 24 Sep. 2022 21:43 von skyfreak.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: sunbeam, oesti, PHO, IG-Modellbau, heli-müller

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